Seaspiracy: Should You Take It With a Pinch of Salt?

The Netflix docu-film is really making waves in social commentary. However, will shocking people into sustainability work?

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SOCIAL COMMENTARY, SUSTAINABILITYScott StanilandCatching Up With Desmond & Dempsey Co-Founder, Joel Jeffery, Molly GOddard, Studio Apartment on the Upper East Side In New York, American Vogue’s September Issue, overlap in work attire, athleisure, and pajamas, Desmond & Dempsey Ethereal Collection, Ode To Mythology, Chunk of Cheese, A Good Surf, Narcissus, Narcissus' Krysptonite, How To Celebrate The Holidays At Home, Desmond & Dempsey The Sunday Paper, Nicholas Minucciani, Marrakshi life, Randall Bushner, Morrocan Fashion Brand, Douglas Henry Lewis, Randall Bachner, Seaspiracy should you take it with a pinch of salt, Netflix Documentary, Netflix Original Documentary, Cowspiracy, Leonarddo CiCaprio, Leonardo DiCaprio, ‘Up to 10, 000 dolphins are killed per year as bycatch off the coast of France’., ‘Over 300, 000 whales and dolphins are killed per year as bycatch at the hands of commercial fishing’., ‘One tuna boat had slaughtered 45 dolphins, to catch 8 tuna fish… working for ‘Dolphin Safe’ canned tuna’., he Great Pacific Garbage Patch, estimated to be 3 x the size of France and weighing 80, 000 tonnes, is actually 46% fishing nets, and that this type of sea pollutant is ripping the eco systems apart at a far greater rate than anything consumer plastic related, particularly straws., Dolphin Safe Tuna program, Blue Planet documentary, Africa documentary, Seaspiracy criticism, Seaspiracy, Seaspiracy's shock factor, What is the intention of Seaspiracy, Marine Life, Ocean Plastic