There’s this ingrained satisfying feeling when you say, “oh, you should try this thing” referencing your taste, and wanting others to indulge because you feel strongly about it. There’s this feeling of delight when you call something “yours” because there’s something about this creation that immaculately aligns with your surviving desires, but conceivably propels you a tad bit far-flung - and your perspective reasonably expands from that extent.

These are the kind of things I love to introduce people to. What’s the point of experience if you cannot measure it with other people? Why not welcome the things in our lives that bring us smiles, and confidence in ourselves as men especially? These distinctions are important, and we rightfully deserve them.

Back in 2014, I came across a tweet from Marquis Phifer that resonated with me. It read, “The things that get you excited, that’s the relationship you’re in. What you eat, how you look, whether you do drugs or not. See only you can decide because the only person responsible is you. And if you make the right choice, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish.”

With BOND OFFICIAL, I want to empower, and inform men through a variety of perspectives pushing the most realistic picture of the modern man - courageous, liberated, and agog. I want to make men feel like the most prime version of themselves, and BOND OFFICIAL is the outlet - highlighting a sophisticated, and audacious stance.


It’s all about being honest, and enjoying what you’re doing, and BOND OFFICIAL for me represents the creation of something I would’ve wanted to be a part of as a young boy coming into my own as a man - a platform that allows a diverse group of men an opportunity to share themselves, and their stories - reviewing the wide ranging system of day to day affairs that connect voices of male culture all from an accessible, and facetious standpoint.

Culture plays a significant role in our community because it is supposed to direct our minds towards a variety of perspectives in a physical, and understanding way. This is just the beginning.

Something I am very proud of is the diverse group of men, and women all over the globe I am currently, and will be collaborating with throughout the journey of this unique storytelling project . There’s innately something very pleasurable for me about creating this idea of inclusivity, and shepherding people into a simple world of style, and well rounded aspects of male culture.

I am inviting you to form a bond with us, and hopefully, you hang on for a bit.


Igee Okafor