The Morning Routines of Well-To-Do Men: Malcolm Carfrae


Words, Marcus Richardson

Photography Courtesy of, BFA

As founder and principal, Malcolm Carfrae currently leads his own global PR, Marketing, and Branding Consultancy, Carfrae Consulting - and to outstanding merit. This Australian born businessman started his career at Bryan Morel Public Relations in London, before relocating to New York City to head global communications for Calvin Klein for eleven years - Ralph Lauren, for two. Having exemplified what it really means to sustain healthy relationships with international household names like Diane von Furstenberg, Zimmermann, Lacoste, and Dr. Barbara Sturm, BOND OFFICIAL was able to chat with the man of the hour about how it all starts with his morning routine.

So let's start with what time you wake up in the morning.

I wake up at about 6:00 am every morning, and start working immediately — my mornings are usually busy. My goal is to get all the urgent stuff out of the way before stepping into the next part of my day. I’ll usually only work for an hour in the morning, and this is essentially my time to catch up. I have clients all over the world so emails can come in all hours of the night. I use this time to read, and respond to those in different time zones.

Then what comes next after work in the morning?

Family. After responding to emails that have come through overnight, I spend time with my husband. This will usually consist of walking our dog, Grace, and grabbing a coffee from a Jacks Stir Brew Coffee Shop. Then after that, I go to the gym before heading into work around 9:00 am.

And you like to have a full schedule in the morning before the office?

Yes, it's a lot, but it makes me feel better that I've gotten a head start on things. That way I’m not getting to work and feeling like I have so much on my plate. I’m now prepared for whatever comes next.

Would you say you've always been a person who has always had a healthy morning routine?

Oh no! When I was younger, I hated waking up early. I had a hard time functioning in the morning. I was the type to roll right out of bed and head straight to work. That's all changed now.

How did that change happen?

I think it's a combination of age, and marriage. My husband and I both are settled into our morning routines and with that, we enjoy getting up early. Honestly it feels like over time it just happened. Trust me, you'll see.

Do you have any go to products that you use in the morning?

I do now. I used to be the guy that never had a particular routine for my skin. I would just grab whatever moisturizer I saw and go. Then I started working with Dr. Barbara Sturm and using her products. It has become my normal routine, and my skin loves it.

What helps you find balance in the morning, and how do you set your mental pace?

Working out with my trainer helps me find balance in the morning. It sets me up for the day. I wouldn’t say that I love it, but I know it’s important and keeps me healthy — mentally and physically.

Do you have a hard time if your morning routine is thrown off?

If my morning is thrown off, my whole day is thrown off too. I love my routine! However, I believe it's not just how my day starts, but it’s also how the day ends. For me the night before affects the next morning, so I must be wise. I don't want to wake up feeling terrible because I didn't get enough sleep.

In the spirit of speaking to the Modern Man, what words of advice would you give for a healthy morning routine?

I would say that what you do in the morning sets you up for the entire day and from there, you have the ability to present the best version of yourself or the worst version of yourself. Take care of yourself, get the sleep you need, have a healthy breakfast, nourish your body, nourish your skin, workout and exercise, let those be the first choices you make in your day. I assure you your day is going to be better for it on many levels.