Unlocking the Artistry of Urban Disorder: 'A Beautiful Chaos' Speaks



An Immigrant Duo's Creative Odyssey at the Intersection of Art and Design






The showcase, A Beautiful Chaos, is a visual love letter to the city that never sleeps. In this exploration, we look into the minds of Eugene Serebrennikov and Vicente Garcia Morillo, the visionary duo behind this suggestive showcase where the overlooked and discarded are reborn as artistic treasures.

The story begins with A Beautiful Chaos, a fitting metaphor for the artists' unconventional journey. Living on opposite sides of the globe and speaking different languages, they were brought together by the magnetic pull of New York City. Leaving behind corporate design jobs, they embarked on a mission to create a dream studio that blurs the lines between art and design.

For the past two years, their artistic endeavors have culminated in A Beautiful Chaos, an exhibition and short film that captures the essence of living in a city of contradictions. New York is their muse and canvas, a microcosm of the world overflowing with trash and treasure. They have a unique vision: to transform street relics and overlooked objects into art, showcasing the beauty in everything.


Exhibition Details:
Opening to the public on October 6 - 27, 2023
119 N 1st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11249

Eugene and Vicente share a common thread—they are immigrants in the city they now call home. Eugene, a Russian-born immigrant, arrived in New York at the tender age of five, while Vicente, hailing from Spain, set foot in the city just three years ago. Their immigrant experiences have molded their perspectives, allowing them to see incredible stories beneath the surface of every street and every person.

New York City, to them, symbolizes the pursuit of dreams. As artists and friends, they dreamed of building a studio that thrived at the intersection of art and design. Their journey has been a test of limits, inspiring them artistically and as companions on this creative voyage.

The path to their first solo exhibition could have been smoother. Like a creative playground, their art studio witnessed its share of falls, scrapes, and setbacks. In their quest to experiment and push boundaries across various mediums—sculptures, paintings, film, photography, and more—they encountered new challenges with each endeavor. Broken statues, spilled paint, equipment failures—all were part of the learning process.

In their design studio, Burn & Broad, they have the support of budgets and talented teams for client projects. However, for their artistic venture Another Day, they are self-initiated and self-funded, wearing multiple hats simultaneously. This duality has been both a struggle and a gift, shaping their creative resilience.


When viewers stand before their artwork, Eugene and Vicente hope to evoke a range of emotions and thoughts. A Beautiful Chaos is their love letter to New York City, flaws and all. By incorporating street relics and overlooked objects into their art, they seek to reveal the hidden beauty in everyday life. Their goal is to show that beauty can be found everywhere and in everything, even in the ordinary and discarded.

For these artists, New York City is a muse and embodiment of contrasts—dreams and struggles, trash and treasure, old and new. Balancing these opposing forces is at the core of their artistic vision. Their unique backgrounds and skills contribute to a magical chemistry that enables them to blend their talents harmoniously. They choose to traverse various artistic disciplines, operating at the intersection of art and design and drawing inspiration from the city's juxtapositions.

One of A Beautiful Chaos's most intriguing aspects is integrating a directorial debut and a short film into the exhibition. The art and the movie are inseparable, forming a conceptual and visual narrative. The film follows a pigeon's misadventures in the city, revealing the beauty amidst chaos, mirroring the essence of their art. Reflecting on their journey, the artists consider day one as the most significant moment. They embarked on this venture with a commitment to play to explore their creativity without constraints. With no clients and no art directors, their desire to create together became their guiding light.


Exhibition Details:
Opening to the public on October 6 - 27, 2023
119 N 1st Street
Brooklyn, NY 11249

In the grand scheme of things, A Beautiful Chaos has contributed to their artistic journey and deepened their connection with New York City. With its myriad experiences, this sprawling metropolis has shaped them as individuals and artists. It stands as a testament to the beauty that can be found in the chaos of life.

In their art, Eugene and Vicente invite us to look beyond the surface, to see the world with fresh eyes, and to find beauty in the most unexpected places. A Beautiful Chaos is a celebration of art, a testament to the enduring allure of New York City, and a reminder that beauty is everywhere, waiting to be discovered by those who dare to look.

For art enthusiasts, this exhibition promises a visual delight and a chance to glimpse the world through the lens of two artists who have embraced the beautiful chaos of life in the city that never sleeps.

As for the future, Another Day remains a creative playground that will constantly evolve to reflect their artistic desires. With their unique synergy and willingness to explore diverse creative directions, Eugene and Vicente are poised for further experimentation and collaboration.