Lalique Offers Accessible Magritte Ownership for Less Than $42.3 Million



immerse yourself in the captivating allure of Magritte's art, reimagined by Lalique.




Photography by SAMUEL GUIGUES


Lalique, the ethereal purveyor of luxury, has embarked on a transcendental voyage within the art realm, bestowing art enthusiasts an otherworldly opportunity to possess a bewitching Magritte masterpiece. And the most fantastical part? Your ownership dreams need not be shattered by a weighty burden of $42.3 million.

In a phantasmagorical twist that defies convention, Lalique has unveiled an exclusive collection that weaves intricate tales inspired by the enigmatic Belgian surrealist René Magritte. This extraordinary union has unfurled a tapestry where Magritte's riddlesome and psyche-stirring creations extend their enigmatic touch to a broader audience. This extraordinary collaboration intertwines the surreal imagery that epitomizes Magritte's essence with the masterful glassmaking artistry of Lalique. Behold a collection of six enchanting pieces that immortalize some of the artist's most iconic creations, including The Treachery of Images, The Married Priest, The Horrendous Stopper, and The Cut-Glass Bath.


Magritte's surrealist conjurations, brimming with surreal symbolism and a dalliance with the subconscious, have long ensnared the hearts of art aficionados across the cosmic expanse. Yet, the lofty prices that encased his original masterworks have held captive only a privileged coterie of collectors—until now.

Behold Lalique's resplendent collection, an exultation of the ethereal essence that dances within Magritte's visionary brushstrokes. Each piece encapsulates an enigmatic allure, a surreal beauty that reverberates with the very essence of Magritte's esoteric legacy. Delicate crystal sculptures bedecked with whimsical motifs and resplendent jewelry that exudes a transcendent mystique—these Lalique marvels create a tangible portal into Magritte's fascinating universe.

Through Lalique's unwavering commitment to craftsmanship that defies the boundaries of human perception, you can summon Magritte's artistic marvels into your abode or adorn yourself with a wearable masterpiece that speaks to your soul. The collection's accessible pricing paves the path to an untrodden dimension, allowing art devotees to entwine surrealism into the very fabric of their existence, all without forsaking the sanctity of quality and artistic integrity.


This confluence of luxury and accessibility, a symphony born from Lalique's harmonious alliance with Magritte, unleashes a revolution that reshapes the art cosmos. The once-elitist art market metamorphoses into a bountiful utopia, inviting seasoned collectors and nascent connoisseurs alike to partake in this unbound, surrealist celebration. Whether you are an ardent art maven or simply a wanderer beguiled by the mystical realms of surrealism, this ephemeral moment to claim a Magritte-inspired masterpiece beckons you with an intensity that must not be ignored.

Embark upon a mesmerizing pilgrimage into the irresistible allure of Magritte's art, ingeniously reimagined by Lalique. Embrace the boundless boundaries of creativity and seize this extraordinary occasion to possess a slice of resplendent brilliance, a cosmic marvel once cloistered within an exclusive enclave. Traverse the ethereal tapestry woven by Lalique's extraordinary collection, and voyage through the surreal domain, liberated from the shackles of a multimillion-dollar astral burden.